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5.4 Modal verbs: can, have to and must
1 Complete the dialogue by choosing the correct form of can, have to or must.
Ali: I'm so pleased you can have to come to my house tonight, Ben.
Ben: Yes, and I can't/don't have to go home early. My parents say that I can/have to stay until ten o'clock! I just have to/can ring them when I'm ready to go and Dad will come in his car.
All: That gives us lots of time to play games or watch TV. My parents are quite strict. They say I mustn't/have to tell them which game I'm playing and I can't/don't have to take food to my bedroom. Oh, and we "don't have to / mustn't have the sound too loud.
Ben: My dad says I'mustn't/don't have to show him which game I'm playing and I can play them for as long as I want-it's great! So, does your dad have to /can your dad check all your films too?
All: Of course! But I have some others that I don't tell him about! He 'doesn't have to/mustn't know everything about what I do!
2 Complete the sentences using can, can't, have to, has to, don't have to, doesn't have to or mustn't. Use each option only once.
0 can go to bed late tonight-it's the weekend!
1 You dangerous. play near busy roads - it's
21 have my own Facebook page - I'm thirteen now so it's OK
3 Juan's mum says he do his homework - he needs to give it in tomorrow!
4 Claire and Toni catch the bus-their dad is coming to get them in his car.
5 Are you leaving now? longer- it's still quite early. you stay a bit
6 Are you sure that we tell your mum and dad that we broke their laptop? Maybe we can fix it.
7 Camilla buy anything for dinner because she went shopping at the supermarket yesterday.
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