
12. Przeczytaj tekst. Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach na język angielski
When you live and work in a big city, public transport is a must. The metro is a fast, cheap and convenient way to travel around the city, especially for long distances. Let's check how much you know about this means of transport. If I asked you about the oldest metro system in the world, what would you say? Do you know '(gdzie on jest) ? It's called the Tube and it's in London. That was easy. But here's some more facts. I wonder 2 (czy wiesz, która linia jest) popular. Of course, it's the Picadilly Line as it's always full of tourists going from Leicester Square to Covent Garden, But do you know (ile trwa ta podróż) ? It takes just 20 seconds to travel because it's only 250 metres long. And what is the most frequent sentence heard while travelling underground? It's Mind the gap. Do you know 4(co ono oznacza) ? It may be difficult to translate so here's the answer: Uwaga na odstęp pomiędzy peronem a pociągiem or: Proszę zachować ostrożność przy wsiadaniu do pociągu i wysiadaniu z pociągu. ​