
Pomoc proszę na jutro daje naj zad 4

Pomoc Proszę Na Jutro Daje Naj Zad 4 class=

Odpowiedź :

Dear grandparents,

I'm writing because I feel everything is limited and going to be taken from me forever. Having come home I learnt I was too lat. Having watched TV I learnt I should've done my homework first. While talking to my best friend on the phone, I hear I ought to empty the rubbish or take a dog for a walk. Literally everything I do is wrong or should be limited, that's what I hear.

The only things I seem to be allowed are vacuuming, cleaning, ironing, dusting and washing. However, even for them I'm not awarded at all. What a disaster!

I hope you'll help me survive and give me advice what to do in such desperate state of my mind and life.

Your granddaughter

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