Odpowiedź :
hello, today i wanna tell you how to be healthy!
first of all you have to eat vegetables and fruits! you have to go for a walk everyday too. it’s important to have health lifestyle! i also do exercises every morning and then my day is better. you can’t eat sweets and fast-foods because it isn’t good for you.
i hope you all are doing great, bye!
first of all you have to eat vegetables and fruits! you have to go for a walk everyday too. it’s important to have health lifestyle! i also do exercises every morning and then my day is better. you can’t eat sweets and fast-foods because it isn’t good for you.
i hope you all are doing great, bye!
(data) Wednesday, 23 of February 2022
(nazwa bloga, np. stay healthy)
Today I want to tell you about how to stay healthy. The most important thing is how you eat. Fast foods, like burgers or pizza, have a lot of calories. You need to eat lots of vegetables for your condition to get better. Planning out your meals also has a big influence on your diet. You should eat small portions, and often. Your first meal should be your breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day. That's why you should keep it light and healthy. Recommended breakfasts are oatmeal, fruit, or some granola bars. Heavy things, that have lots of sugar can make you feel sleepy and unhealthy. Your second meal should be around 2 to 3 hours after your breakfast. It shouldn't be that heavy, either. You could have a sandwich stacked with vegetables or just have a yogurt. Your 3 (czyt. third) meal should be your lunch. Also 3 hours after your 2 (czyt. second) meal of the day. For lunch, you can have a salad or some pasta. Lunch shouldn't be that heavy, but also shouldn't be too light, because you should have some balance in the middle of the day. Your 4 (czyt. fourth) meal should be a snack. You could have some fruit, crackers or some nuts. As well as the others, also a 3 hours break. Your fifth meal should be the last and biggest meal. As called "dinner", you could have some fish with vegetables or a dish made out of blended vegetables and some cut up on the side. Your diet is not only your health but so is your exercise. You should do sports 3/4 times a week. Maybe you like swimming, tennis, football, or even just some exercises at home. All of those sports are good for not only your physical health but also your mental health. Try it!
oczywiście nie musi być tak samo, można trochę pozmieniać. Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :)