
PLS do 15 Napisz e-maila do kolegi/koleżanki. Napisz:
- gdzie mieszkasz (na wsi/w mieście…)

- w jakim domu mieszkasz (w jednorodzinnym/ bloku …)

- jakie pomieszczenia są w twoim domu

- jakie meble znajdują się w twoim pokoju i określ ich położenie (np. biurko stoi przy ścianie) .

Odpowiedź :


hello Jola, I want to describe my house to you. it has a 3-room flat with a large bathroom and a large kitchen, the living room is a bit small and my and parents' room is huge in our apartment we have large windows. I live in the city, my apartment is next to the lidl. When I enter my room on the left side there is a bed and next to the bed there is a desk and on the left side there is a large wardrobe, xbox and a TV set and there are simply large windows and a large window sill xyz I greet you warmly david


te David zmień na swoje imie

Hi, Antek

I write to you, because I want tell you about this that I live in the village in the single-family house.

In my house there are rooms such as: hall, living room, kitchen, diving room, two bathrooms, first in ground floor and second in first floor, study my father, and three bedrooms: first my parents, second my younger sister and third is mine.

I have in my bedroom such furniture as: bed near to big, black desk and in front of gaming armchair, in wall brown wardrobe next to is acarpet and opposite my desk is a chest of drawer.

I hope that you'll come over to see me and my home sometime.



On Studier: Inne Pytanie