
Stefan chciałby prowadzić zdrowy tryb życia.Napisz do niego e-mail w którym:
-wyrazisz zainteresowanie jego stanem zdrowia
-opiszesz jak ty dbasz o kondycję
-podasz przykłady, co powinien zrobic.

Odpowiedź :

Hello Stefan,

I hope you're still alive but I wonder how you take care of your health. I know you're a couch potato detesting activities others than quick movements of your fingers over the keyboard so imagine how surprised I was having read you want to lead a healthy lifestyle.

I can tell you I have a five-kilometre run every day. I also bike to school and go to a gym twice a week. It makes me pretty fit and I guess it's enough to be in shape. If you want, you could follow the same path.

However, I believe that it'd be easier for you to start with just walking for about thirty minutes a day and after a few weeks try running. Not too much for the beginner :)

What do you think about it?
