Zadanie w załączniku, język angielski.

Reported asked why blogger had decided to run a blog about safety on the Internet. They* said because someone had hacked their computer the previous December and had put a virus on it. Reporter asked why we must be careful about that, blogger explained there are hackers who can steal your personal information. Reporter wanted to know if they had ever met any hackers, blogger answered he had spoken to a hacker on the Internet a few weeks before. Reporter asked what they were writing about then, blogger told their they were writing about password that people use on the Internet and they were going to write about anti-virus software.
* Użyłem tutaj 3 os., ponieważ gdy nie znamy płci osoby (a w tym tekście nic nie mamy co by wskazywało płci ani blogera, ani reportera) można użyć właśnie they
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