
1 Underline the correct item.
1 The nurse/surgeon/paramedic will perform the
knee operation tomorrow.
2 Mrs James needed a cleaner so she placed a
job advert/role/vacancy in the local newspaper.
3 You need to fill out a(n) application/contract/
reference form for the receptionist position.
4 Maria can always plan ahead as she has a
seasonal/permanent/ temporary job.
5 I’m paid minimum benefit/wage/bonus at the
restaurant but I do make extra money from tips.

Odpowiedź :


1. The surgeon will perform the knee operation tomorrow

2. Mrs James needed a cleaner so she placed a job advert in the local newspaper.

3. You need to fill out an application form for the receptionist position.

4. Maria can always plan ahead as she has a seasonal job.

5. I'm paid minimum wage at the restourant but I do make extra money from tips.


surgeon - chirurg

advert - ogłoszenie

an application - wniosek // podanie

seasonal job - praca sezonowa

wage - wynagrodzenie