
Właśnie wróciłeś z tygodniowej wycieczki w Tatry . W e-mailu do kolegi z anglii napisz: jak wyglądała podróż? , co robiłes podczas wycieczki, zaproponuj wspolny wyjazd w Tatry w wakacje.
Maila rozpoczni:Hi Sarah,
I've just come back from the Tatra Mountains.....
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Hi Sarah!

I' ve just come back from the tatra mountains. It was amazing and we had lot of adventurers. In the car we saw lot of beautiful view. We had to stop because my sister wanted to take photo of it. When we arrived to the hotel it was a big problem with keys to our rooms but finally it works. Next day we want to the mountains. The view was incredible and I'll never forget that! After that I was really tired but in the evening we was in krupówki. I bought myself lot if traditional items. Next days we were walking on mountains and some of that things.

If you want we can meet and drive to the Tatra Mountains on summer. It will be fun! weite me back soon.


mam nadzieję że o to chodziło i że nie jest za krótko. sorry jak nie pomogłam