
pomoze ktos maila musze napisac

Pomoze Ktos Maila Musze Napisac class=

Odpowiedź :

Hi devi!
I was thinking about inviting you to my household in Poland for Christmas!
We know each other for years so that could be a great idea to meet. I talked about this with my parents and they are really interested in meeting you and of course they agreed with that.
Poland is known for the preety big and pleasurable Christmas. Me and my family always remember to get a lot of presents for our family members so they do. When the clock hits 8 we start our dinner. At first we pray and we are very thankful for all the things we have. Then we sit and start to eat. We always have 12 plates of tradition polish food in our dinner tables. For example we have fish, pierogis, a soup that is called barszcz and a lot of other stuff. When we all finish our food it is the best part… the presents! All the family members are getting their presents and we are opening them together.
I really hope that u will visit us. I that could happen i would be the happiest girl/boy in the world. If u have some questions please send me a leeter to discust them. See you!!
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