
Szybko potrzebne na już!!!
Zadanie 4 i 5 klasa 6 steps plus!!

Szybko Potrzebne Na Już Zadanie 4 I 5 Klasa 6 Steps Plus class=
Szybko Potrzebne Na Już Zadanie 4 I 5 Klasa 6 Steps Plus class=

Odpowiedź :

zad 4

  1. -
  2. My hair is not at long as your hair.
  3. English is not as hard as Chinese.
  4. Turkey is not as cold as Britain.
  5. Lions are not as fast as cheetahs.

zad 5

  1. -
  2. Slovenia is not the smallest country in Europe.
  3. The Dead Sea is not the saltiest lake in the world.
  4. Tigers are the largest cats in the big cat family.
  5. Canada is not the biggest country in the world.
  6. Niagara Falls is the most beautiful waterfall in the world