
Proszę o pomoc w napisaniu e-mailu ( o byle czym, nie musi byś długi ) do kogoś po angielsku. Z góry dziękuje bardzo :)

Odpowiedź :

Hey my name is Emilia , I am writing to you about hallowen I will go alone and you would not like to stay with ne then for the night .I wrote a nice e-mail



Hi Mike

I want to tell you about my amazing holiday that i spend with my family!

We were at the seaside and i really enjoyed it. You know how much i love water.  I was spending every day at the beach swimming or sunbathing then one time my brother asked me if i would like to play volleyball with him. I thought to myself "why not". As we were playing, more and more kids wanted to join us and that how i met two new friends!  Franek and Amelia. We were having so much fun together, so it was very sad when we needed to come back home. It was the best vacation ever!

Stay safe!

*twoje imie*

PS: don't even thing about that i forgot about you. I send you a really cool gift, and i hope you will like it