3 Przeczytaj teksty 112. Uzupełnij luki 9.1-9.3 w e-mailu zgodnie z trescia tekstów. Luki należy uzupelnić w języku angielskim.
with Dr Bob Syringe,
the author of a book about
Doctor Edward Jenner,
the pioneer of vaccination.
Saturday, 25th January, 6 p.m., 24 Rashmore Street
• The meeting is open to everybody.
• No attendance fee.
. Get your copy of the book and have it signed by the author,
Edward Jenner was an English doctor. He made a discovery that has
aved millions of lives. Jenner was born in 1749. At that time, smallpox was
e disease that people feared the most. It was very easy to catch. Victims
re covered in horrible spots. If they didn't die, they carried the marks on
skin forever.
or lived in the countryside. He heard that the girls who milked cows
caught smallpox. On the other hand, they often caught a disease
cowpox from the cows. Cowpox was not at all serious. Jenner
to try an experiment.
od someone who had never had smallpox, and he chose an eight-
soy called James Phipps. He scratched James's arm and infected
owpox. Then after a few days, he infected James with smallpox.
es become ill?
From: Amanda
To: Betty
Subject: Biology project
Hi Betty
We need to start working on our Biology project about health. I've found
an interesting article about a doctor who discovered the first 9.1
Actually, it's a really fascinating story. The doctor's name was Edward Je
In his times, he observed two different diseases: smallpox which was
for people and cowpox which wasn't. He carried
an experiment on a little boy and found out that people who had cowp
get smallpox!
If we decide to choose this topic, we can also go to a meeting with Dr
who 9.3
about Dr Jenner. It's on Saturday and it's f
What do you think? I et me know
he child (and for Jenner), he didn't. This was the beginning of
At first, people laughed at Jenner. However, everyone could