W zdaniach (1 – 5) wybierz słowo, które poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach. Wybierz literę A, B albo C.
1. Oh no! The Physics exam is next week and I haven’t started revising _____ it yet. She found her passion _____ music when she was ten.
A with
B for
C against
2. It’s not easy to _____ a living if you are a musician or a poet. I never _____ my bed in the morning.
A make
B have
C do
3. The hoodie I bought yesterday was on _____ offer. We really loved the _____ effects in this thriller.
A boring
B cheap
C special
4. The doctor asked me to breathe in and listened to my _____. This _____ of drawers is too heavy to be moved.
A chest
B stomach
C wardrobe
5. Please have a shave and put on a nice suit – try to make a _____ impression. She used to get very _____ grades but this year she’s failed all her exams.
A high
B positive
C good