
3 Wpisz w każdą lukę (1-4) brakujący fragment
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tekst. Wykorzystaj wyrazy podane w nawiasach,
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w zeszycie.
X: Did your sister have a good 18th birthday?
Y: Yes, we threw a surprise party for her.
She! (have) clue about it!
X: Fantastic idea!
Y: She was so surprised that she? (believe) it!
X: So, what happened? What did you do?
Y: We had invited all her friends to the youth club.
When my sister arrived, everyone was already there.
X: 3 (what) surprise!
Y: Yes, we had put up lots of decorations too. My sister
loved it - she“ (seen) anything like it before!

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¹didn't have a

²couldn't believe

³what a

⁴I'd never seen