HALINACHMIELEWSKA195ON HALINACHMIELEWSKA195ON Język angielski Rozwiązane Zadanie I. Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami. Dwa są dodatkowe. / bully / compulsory / exhausted / grades / ill / job / nervous 1. You won’t get good ............. if you don’t study for the exam. 2. My brother has got a part-time .......... working in a shop. 3. Anthony always gets ............ when the teacher asks him a question. 4. If somebody starts to ........... you, tell a teacher. 5. Maths is .............. which means that everybody has to study it. Zadanie II. Jakie formy czasowników podanych w nawiasach poprawnie uzupełniają zdania w pierwszym trybie warunkowym? 1. If I ........... (take) a gap year, I ........... (get) a lot of experience. 2. If Stella ................ (not hurry), we .............. (miss) the first lesson. 3. ..................... (your parents / get) angry if you .............. (not get) into university? 4. He ............... (not pass) his exams if he ............... (not take) extra lessons. 5. I ................. (not / help) you with Maths if you ............ (not help) me with English. Zadanie III. Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając who, which lub where. 1. This is the park ............ I usually walk the dog. 2. I’d like to try some Indian food ......... isn’t too spicy. 3. This is the language school ........... my cousin studied Japanese. 4. That’s the girl .......... won our school competition. 5. Is this the university ............ has the best medical courses?