
Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 odpowiednimi stopniami przymiotników podanych w nawiasach.
1 My sister Ann looks (good) better in a blue dress than in a black one.
2 This florist’s sells (beautiful) ________ flowers in the town.
3 Aunt Mary is (nice) ________ of all my aunts.
4 Adam and Alex are very good students. They are (intelligent) ________ students
in the school.
5 My dad’s smartphone is (new) ________ than my smartphone.
6 Sweets are (bad) ________ than fruit. They don’t have any vitamins.

Odpowiedź :


1 My sister Ann looks (good) better in a blue dress than in a black one.

2 This florist’s sells (beautiful) the most beaufitul flowers in the town.

3 Aunt Mary is (nice) the nicest of all my aunts.

4 Adam and Alex are very good students. They are (intelligent) the most intelligent students

in the school.

5 My dad’s smartphone is (new) newer than my smartphone.

6 Sweets are (bad) worse than fruit. They don’t have any vitamins.

Mam nadzieje ze pomoglem :)


2. the most beautiful

3. the nicest

4. the most intelligent

5. newer

6. worse
