Siema prosze o pomoc w tych zadaniach pomocy błagam

1.I havent't seen Mark since last summer.
2.Sophie will go to London to work at school.
3.These shoes are too small. Have you got bigger ones?
4.Are those your dad's glasses?
5.It's cold so put on a jacket and a scarf.
6.My parents live in Scotland since they got married in 2007.
7.Are you intrested in history by any chance?
8.I like the girl that's standing over there.
9.Did you have to get up so early today in the morning?
10.Turn off your mobile phone in the cinema.
Mam nadzieje ze pomoglam <33
1) i haven't seen
2) to work
3) are too small
4) your dad's
5)I'ts cold
6) live
7) Are you interested