
Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia wszystkie trzy zdania
1.1. John set up an email to keep in touch with his friends and family.
My company pays my salary into my bank ... every month

1.6• I need to send him a thank-you ... for all his help and understanding.
-Make a ... to call me next week.

1.7. . • All in..., using a bicycle is much better for your health than using a car.
I think that's... I need to know about the project.

1.2 In this task, you complete a... from which four sentences have been removed.
-Teens mostly communicate using... messages

1.3. • Most young children don't need any help with computers; they can use them on their
Does Lewis... this car? I thought it belonged to his brother.
1.8. What time does the sun... this evening? I want to watch it go down.
-Lady gaga ... up her own website to promote her music

1.9. . I can't... the difference between those twins.
Honest people will always... the truth.

1.4. • He instructed me to type my password and press....
It's forbidden to ... the computer lab when the teacher is not there.

1.10. . It took me several months to get... my father's death.
The club is only for people... 18 years old.

1.5. . The new animation film was made for kids but is suitable for people of all...
Martin wandered through the woods for.... before he found a place to set up camp.

2.2. Don't worry. I'll give you a .....
On the other, there are a number of disadvantages to being a teacher.
An email is a common way to thank someone, but something you write by ... means so much more.
2.1. • He tried to convince me to change my....
To my, this is the best way to deal with the problem.
I enjoy hanging out with my friends, but I don't... spending time by myself either.