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Uczeń A:
Hey, did you know that I have a best friend that goes to an another school? We like to hangout a lot cause we don't see ourselfs much, we meet once in a year. What we mostly do when we hangout isn't special, we just play video games, talk and we like to go to the park. Sometimes it's hard to find a thing we will want to do together, for example my friend want's to play video games and I want to go to the park, he likes playing video games, playing basketball and training a lot. He also has a very funny dad, he always makes funny jokes that we both laugh at, he also likes going hunting into nearby forests, anyways, lets get back to work.
Sorry że nie było ucznia B ale nie mam niestety czasu na pisanie drugiego, ale udało mi się ucznia A, mam nadzieję że pomogłem.