
2 In your notebook, write the words in
the correct order to make sentences.
1 perfectly / works / this / computer).
2 it/ cheaply / very / bought/l/.
3 these / really / drones / well / work).
4 wirelessly / you / control / them / can/.
5 clock/ this / the time / reliably / tells / veryl.
6 doesn't /it/too / slowly/go/.

Odpowiedź :


1.This computer works perfectly.

2.I bought it very cheaply.

3.These drones work really well.

4.You can control them wirelessly.

5.This clock tells the time very reliably.

6.It doesn't go too slowly.


Mieszkalam w Anglii, I szczerze te zdania sa beznadziejne. Wsensie przekazuja informacje , ale nie dokonca poprawnie. Nie mowie , ze sa zle , ale naprawde NIKT by tak nie powiedzial. Np. zdanie 6‍♀️, no nie mam słów.


1. This computer works perfectly.

2.I bought it very cheaply.

3. These drones work well really

4. You can control wirelessly them

5. This clock tells veryl reliably the time

6. It doesnt go slowly too

Mam nadzieje ,że pomogłam :)
