
zad.a) NAPISZ DATY  1. 3/1= 3 rd January 2. 20/3= 3. 5/11= 4. 18/5= 5. 31/12 =  6. 12/9= zad.b)NAPISZ JAK MOWI SIE DATY 1. 3/1 = the third of January  2. 2/4= 3. 15/2= 4. 22/10=  5. 30/6= 6. 8/8 = ​

Odpowiedź :


1 3rd January

2 20th March

3 5th November

4 18th May

5 31st December

6 12th September

Zad 2

1 the third of January

2 the second of April

3 the fifteenth of February

4 the twenty second of October

5 the thirtieth of June

6 the eighth of August
