Błagam o pomoc z angielskiego

1. The sad man was taken to prison...
2. The Eiffel Tower was built for...
3. Coffee is grown in Brazil.
4. Hamburgers are made in...
5. America was discovered in 1492.
6. The Taj Mahal is located in India.
7. The wall was painted red last week.
8. Snowmen are built by kids in winter.
9. A funny ghost was seen in that old house last year.
10. A whistle is blown when the match finishes.
11. Soup is usually cooked in cold weather.
12. Green hats are worn to celebrate St Patrick's Day.
13. Cards and roses given on Saint Valentine's Day.
14. Money was kept n that piggy bank when I was a kid.
15. Two bombs were hidden somewhere in the car...
16. Letters are delivered every Tuesday in my neighbourhood.
17. The widow was broken yesterday afternoon.