3.5 Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach naj. angielski, tak aby otrzymać
logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
trzy wyrazy
1. 1 (jestem dobry w)
........ Geography, I can name all the capital
cities in Europe.
2. My sister (zdała swoje egzaminy)
with flying colours,
which means she got very good results.
3. Do you enjoy reading (lektury szkolne)
? I hate them,
prefer to choose books on my own.
4. The students in my school have to (nosić mundurki szkolne)
........... and of course everyone hates it.
5. Have you ever been (złapany na ściąganiu)
.......? I haven't, I
am an honest student.
6. My Maths teacher is (surowa)
but patient and
understanding. She's actually nice.
7. Are foreign languages (obowiązkowe)
in your school? Do
you have to study e.g. German, Spanish or English?
8. What do you want to do when you (skończysz szkołę).
9. In some subjects you have to learn a lot of things (na pamięć)
I have difficulties memorizing everything.
10.I wasn't (uważałem)
......... attention during Physics and of
course on the next lesson the teacher asked me about it. I felt so embarrassed.