
3 Przetłumacz fragmenty e-maila na języka angielski. < New message Magda, *(Gratuluję zorganizowania) 1 such a great Earth Day. 2 (Świetna robota) really! I've always known you are a great organiser. I'm sure 3 (że świetnie sobie poradzisz) 1. with similar events in the future. 4 (Życzę Ci wszystkiego dobrego) – ! Tom​

Odpowiedź :

Congratulations for organising such a great Earth Day. Good job, really! I've always known you are a great organiser. I'm sure you will do great with similar events in the future. I wish you the best! - Tom​



1) Congratulations on organizing

2) Great job

3) that you will do great

4) I wish you all the best