BARTEK031207ON BARTEK031207ON Język angielski Rozwiązane Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Niektóre litery wyrazów zostały podane. 1 In our town, buses and trams are becoming faster and more comfortable so more and more people have decided to use p__ __ __i__ t__ __ ns __ __ __t. 2 Most little birds love eating sunflower s __ __ __ __. 3 The oak tree in front of our school looks really beautiful in autumn with its yellow and red l__ __ __ __ s. 4 Air __ __ __l __ t __ __ __ is one of the biggest problems in big cities such as Beijing or Mumbai. 5 Don’t throw away these plastic bags! They can be r __ __ s __ d. siema dzieka , nic nie widzieliście