
proszę o szybka pomoc. na poziomie klasy 8

Proszę O Szybka Pomoc Na Poziomie Klasy 8 class=

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Hi Emily!

Guess what! You know how much I like taking photos. I take them practically all the time. So I finally decided to take part in a photo competition. At last I will find out if my photos are worth something or if I'm just deluding myself.

I took my competition photo the day before yesterday. It shows my cat and my neighbors' dog playing together in my backyard. It is meant to symbolize that anyone can get along, even if everyone thinks it's impossible.

If you want to see my photo, you can visit website www photocompetition com. You can also watch photos of other contestants. Some of them are really cool.

Now I really must go. Write back quickly




Hi (imię koleżanki),

I recently applied to participate in a photographic competition. The competition is about taking the most impactful photo, which will be later chosen by the judges. I took this photo under a bridge near my home, depicting homeless people having lunch together. I think it’s the right photo to send, because of how it shows a sense of community within the homeless people. I believe that this is the type of photos that the judges are looking for. This competition made me more interested into photography and I hope you will be interested too if you wish to participate. It’s a good opportunity to practice your photographic and artistic skills.

Best regards,

(twoje imię)