
Plis pomoże ktoś? daje najj!!
Conditional.Answer the questions about imaginary situations unlikely to happen the present or future using the prompts given.
1.What would you do if you suddenly inherited a lot of monet?
(to buy a Porsche).....................………………
2.Where would you go if you could choose the trip of your life?
(to go to Egypt)…………………………
3.How would you react if you saw someone shoplifting?
(to inform the security staff)………………………
4.In what circumstances would you consider having plastic sugery?
(to have a scar)…………………………
5.Would you ever buy a pet?
(to own a garden)…………………
6.Would you try bungee-jumping?
(to be afraid of heights)………………​

Odpowiedź :

Conditional. Answer the questions about imaginary situations unlikely to happen the present or future using the prompts given.

1.What would you do if you suddenly inherited a lot of money?

(to buy a Porsche)

(If I suddenly inherited a lot of money,) I would buy a Porsche.

[Gdybym nagle odziedziczył dużo pieniędzy, kupiłbym Porsche.]

2.Where would you go if you could choose the trip of your life?

(to go to Egypt)

(If I could choose the trip of my life,) I would go to Egypt.

[Gdybym mógł wybrać wycieczkę życia, pojechałbym do Egiptu.]

3.How would you react if you saw someone shoplifting?

(to inform the security staff)

(If I saw someone shoplifting,) I would inform the security staff.

[Gdybym zobaczył kogoś kradnącego w sklepie, poinformowałbym ochronę.]

4.In what circumstances would you consider having plastic sugery?

(to have a scar)

I would consider having plastic surgery if I had a scar.

[Rozważałbym operację plastyczną, gdybym miał bliznę.]

5.Would you ever buy a pet?

(to own a garden)

I would buy a pet if I owned a garden.

[Kupiłbym zwierzaka, gdybym posiadał ogród.]

6.Would you try bungee-jumping?

(to be afraid of heights)

I would try bungee-jumping if I weren't afraid of heights.

[Spróbowałbym skoku na linie, gdybym nie bał się wysokości.]

