Odpowiedź :
1 Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in brackets and for, since or all.
1 Hannah HAS BEEN MAKING a bracelet for her friend ALL day. She hasn't even stood up from her desk for a minute!
2 HAVE Chris and Kim BEEN SAVING UP for a new house FOR a long time?
3 Haven't you heard? Kirsty HASN'T BEEN WORKING in the shopping mall SINCE May.
4 (practise) for this competition ALL last year. - tu brakuje podmiotu, więc jeśli jest nim 'I' wpisz HAVE BEEN PRACTISING
5 I haven't seen Katie since breakfast. HAS she BEEN BAKING biscuits ALL day? She should take a break.
6 We HAVEN'T BEEN PLAYING football outside FOR ages because of the weather.