
Ułóż 9 zdań z następującymi wyrazami/wyrażeniami: cheap, expensive, rent, renovate, to be keen on, to get on well with, countryside, modern, neighbours.

Plis szybciutko ;

Odpowiedź :

These jeans are so cheap.

This house is too expensive for us.

We've rent this apartment two weeks ago.

My friend is renovating his room at the moment.

I'm keen on playing volleyball.

I'm getting on well with my siblings.

My grandparents are living on a countryside.

My friend's house is modern.

My neighbours went on a holiday a week ago.

Myślę, że styknie ;)


Clothes made im China are so cheap.

Computers are not as expensive as they used to be.

You could rent out your house to someone from the college.

The building was renovated following a major 1847.

Sandra's really keen on dancing.

He doesn't get on well with his sister.

Police are combing the countryside and warn people to stay indoors.

IT was a very modern Play but I liked IT.

In many regions, there are still conflicts between neighbours.