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Hi James! I want to tell you about yeasterday's school trip. First we got into the bus and drove to Warsaw. When we arrived we went to 'Pałac Kultury'. I was so excited while looking on Warsaw from there. Then we went to McDonald's for some food. On the end we had a walk around some Warsaw streets and got into the bus. That was really awesome!

Nie wiem czy wszystko dobrze, bo z głowy na szybko wymyślałem.

Hi John!

I'm writing to you because I want to apologize. I went in Poland in Zakopane. I didn't have anything on the account because I didn't write.

We went on Monday and We came back this morning. We visited a lot of very interesting places. I loved the Wawel Castle. It's amazying ! Scary dragon standing by the castle !!!

Polska is a very very beautiful state. I learned the history of this country. In Poland are a big mountains - Tatry. On Wednesday we climbed on it. It was hard, but I was able to. I think that visit this country.

I'm looking forward to heaving from you.