
Przekształć poniższe zdania używając słowa w nawiasie, by znaczyły to samo.
np. How are you planning to travel? GOING
How( are you going to) travel?

1.What are your plans for the weekend? GOING
What ...... the weekend?
2. What are their plans for next weekend? DO
What ........... next weekend?
3.No river is longer than the Nile. THE
The Nile ........ river.
4. What were her plans? GOING
What ..........?
5. What are his plans for tomorrow? GOING
What .......... tomorrow?

Odpowiedź :


1. are you going to do at

2. are they going to do

3. is the longest

4. she was going to do

5.  is he going to do

On Studier: Inne Pytanie