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Zadanie 4
Put the verbs in the correct form.

1. Our best friends ........ (Not/live) here. They live in Brazil so we meet very seldom.

2. My brother ..... (study) mathematics in Warsaw.

3. Most people ...... (use) the Internet every day.

4. ........ (you/like/do) sports in your spare time?

5. How much money ..... (your mum/spend) on food every month.

6. Mark ..... (speak) French very well, although he has never been abroad.

7. The Bowns .... (earn) a lot of money. They have got two shops in the city centre.

Zadanie 5
Choose the correct answer

1. My mum make/makes the best tomato soup! You must try it!

2. Katie doesn't tells/doesn't travels to school by tram.

3. Does he always tells/ Does he always tell the truth?

4. Our boss goves/give us a pay rise every year.

5. What time the train to Sopot leaves/does the train to sopot leave?

6. Does it often rain/Do rain often rains here?

7. I seldom argue/argue seldom with my brother. We really get on well.

8. James doesn't often call/doesn't call often his parents. He is a very busy businessman.

Odpowiedź :

1. don't live - it's a fact
2. studies/is studying - jezeli masz tylko uzyc wszedzie present simple to studies, jak chcesz sie odniesc do tego, ze jest to "around the point of time" to is studying
3. use
4. Do you like doing - zawsze po wyrazeniach, ktore pokazuja nasze preferencje dodajemy ing
5. does your mum spend
6. speaks - fakt

7. earns - fakt

Zad. 5


doesn't travel

Does he always tell - jezeli raz uzyjemy czasownika z "es" ktory dodajemy przy czasie pres. simple, t potem nie moze sie pojawic.

gives - habitual

leaves - according to the timetable

Does it often rain

seldom argue synonim do I hardly ever argue

doesn't often call -> okreslenie czestotliwosci zawsze dajemy pmiedzy czasownikiem a do/does itp