Cała strona plis pomuszcie

Zadanie 1
1. Strong
2. Kind
3. Fast
4. Intelligent
5. Funny
6. Friendly
Zadanie 2
1. The tallest
2. The smallest
3. The funniest
4. The most dangerous
5. The friendliest
6. The most intelligent
Zadanie 3
1. Bigger than
Biggest of all
2. Better than
The worst
3. The funniest
More interesting
Zadanie 4
1. Than
2. More
3. Than
4. The
5. Of
6. All
Zadanie 5
Cats are smaller than giraffes.
Monkeys are more intelligent than dogs
Dogs are the funniest animals
Parrots are the most beautiful animals
zad.1 2 kind
3 fast
4 intelligent
5 funny
6 friendly
2 the funniest
3 the smallest
4 the most dangerous
5 the most friendly
6 the most intelligent
zad. 3
1 bigger than i the biggest
2 better than i the worst
3 the funniest i more interesting
zad. 4
2 more
3 than
4 the
5 of
6 all
zad. 5
2 Cats are smaller than giraffes.
3 People are more intelligent than dogs.
4 Mokeys are the funniest animals of all.
5 I am the most beautiful person in my family.
Mam nadzieje ze pomoglam ;)