
A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 1 Sally (watch) TV every evening 2. Nick (read) comics every day. 3. The children (play) in the yard 4. My cat (eat) fish every day 5. Our Mum (make) great cakes 6. Ben and I (listen) to music 7.We often (go) to the cinema 8. Tom (ride) a bike to school 9. My brother (play) the piano 10. You (clean) your room​

A Complete The Sentences With The Correct Form Of The Verbs 1 Sally Watch TV Every Evening 2 Nick Read Comics Every Day 3 The Children Play In The Yard 4 My Cat class=

Odpowiedź :

1. Sally watches TV every evening.

2. Nick reads comics every day.

3. The children are playing in the yard.

4. My cat eats fish every day.

5. Our mum makes great cakes.

6. Ben and I are listening to music.

7. We often go to the cinema.

8. Tom rides a bike to school.

9. My brother plays the piano.

10. You are cleaning your room.

W części przykładów możemy zastosować oba czasy, ponieważ w niektórych przykładach nie mamy wyrazów, które wskazywałyby na konkretny czas (np. "now"). Jednak w zdaniach, gdzie mamy "every day" lub "every evening" zastosujemy Present Simple. Dość nieprzemyślane zadanie.

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