
koleżanka napisała do ciebie mail w którym martwię się o Twojego przyjaciela który zaczął spędzać czas w niewłaściwym towarzystwie dopuszcza się do aktów wandalizmu odpowiedź na tego maila w swojej wiadomości Przekaż mu swoje rady odnośnie tego problemu Zachęć do podjęcia odpowiednich działań poproś o radę w sprawie problemu z tymi z tym się zmagasz Praca musi zawierać od 50 do 120 słów proszę na jutro 8

Odpowiedź :

Hi, Stephanie!

You told me that you're worried about your friend Tom who has another friends, but they're not good friends for him, and he started wandalise lots of things. I have some advices to help you talk to your friend, and how to stop wandalism.

Wandalism is not a good thing. When you will destroy something, someone will call the police. He shouldn't destroy things, it's illegal. Also, his friends shouldn't drink alcohol with your friend, and they shouldn't force Tom to drink alcohol with them. This problem is really serious.

What I can say, is that you should react NOW. You can't wait till he won't wandalise another thing. You have to speak up. Tell someone of his friends. Friends, who would trust him. If it won't work, talk to his parents. They need to react. You could talk to the therapist, it could help. Everyone can see that wandalism isn't right.

I have to go now. I have to take care of my younger brother.

Hope you will be OK, and things will get better soon.

