J angielski klasa 7 repetytorium ćwiczenia str 14 zad 1, 2,3,4, 5

Zadanie 1
Po kolei od lewej do prawej: science, corridor, folder, assignments, geography
Zadanie 2
1 - school subject
2 - library
3 - physical education
4 - pencil case
5 - revise for
6 - timetable
Zadanie 3
1 - to play the instruments
2 - What grade are
3 - does he teach
4 - use a dictionary
5 - their form tutor
6 - did you pass
Zadanie 4
1 - catch
2 - fall
3 - hand
4 - find
5 - write
Zadanie 5
1 - an essay
2 - on Tuesday
3 - revise as soon as possible
4 - the Internet
5 - memory stick
6 - floppy disk
7 - to save the progress