
friewy 18. Sadly, Amanda isn't tok zyczivaju) as Thierrotharth 19. What do 20. What's toone) distance you've travelled by bike? having to write an essay on a Friday Donin - 30 PAMIETAT W cause composujemy w luke jeden, dwa, trzy lub cztery wyrazy. ng .! 2 Death Valley is said to be najgoretszym u place on Earth 22. I don't eam as much as my brother because my salary nie jest tak wysoka jak) razy 23 Sonte people that adults tend to make the bardziej skomplikowanym niz) it actually is 24 What's part of being a student of this prestigious School 25 Peter than tan Jessica but I don't mi 2. What of your new office 2. there anyone in your school whe's trak szybki jak) you are? fociany people, Matejkos (najbardziej utalentowany polski) pamter of all time 2. Sometimes I think that there isn't a bardziej uporia) person in the world than my wife 30 in the past tried to deal with everythiog on my own but then I discovered jest o wiele otwesel to work as a team​

Friewy 18 Sadly Amanda Isnt Tok Zyczivaju As Thierrotharth 19 What Do 20 Whats Toone Distance Youve Travelled By Bike Having To Write An Essay On A Friday Donin class=

Odpowiedź :


19.the longest

20.worse than

21.the hottest

22.isnt as high as

23.life more difficult than

24.the best

25.prettier than

26.the biggest advantage( nie jestem tu pewna)

27.as fast as

28.the most talented Polish

29.more stubborn

30.is more easier