
Read the writing task. Copy the chart info your notebook and complete the information

niedawno twoja klasa była na wycieczce szkolnej w e-mailu do koleżanki ze Szkocji napisz dokąd pojechaliście i dlaczego wasz nauczyciel wybrał to miejsce Wyjaśnij co tam robiliście I zobaczyliście Opisz swoje wrażenia z wycieczki

E-mail powinien zawierać od 50 do 120 słów.

Proszę o pomoc

Odpowiedź :

Hello Maggy!

How are things?  I've just arrived from Scotland. The trip was terrible! Teacher chose it, because "we should  take a break from phones".

At the first day everything looked fine, but when we're going to the airport by bus, it broke down! After two hours of repair, we finally set off and went to the airport.

The next day we were supposed to go somewhere by bus. However, after driving 2 kilometers, it turned out that the bus didn't have gas! And you won't believe what happened next! We pushed the bus for 10 kilometers, taking turns to the gas station.

On the third day we went to the museum of dinosaurs. We're watching an exhibition when Harry resisted the Tyrannosaurus skeleton.

Write back,


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