
Napisz e-mail do kolegi/koleżanki

Proponujesz grupie przyjaciół z Anglii wyjazd nad polskie morze. W e-mailu do jednego z nich:

Napisz, dlaczego warto pojechać nad polskie morze,

Opisz osobę, która będzie się Wami opiekować podczas Waszego wyjazdu,

Doradź, co powinni ze sobą zabrać i uzasadnij dlaczego.

Odpowiedź :

Hi, Leah!

How are things? Have you got plans for your summer vacation? If there's not, then I have an invitation to you and your group of friends.

I would like to recommend you a trip to Polish sea. In Poland we have Baltic Sea, and it's the most beautiful sea in Poland. Polish sea gives you good vibes, especially in summer. Also, you can spend all the day at the beach. You can also see the sunsets, and it's very beautiful. When you arrive to the Polish sea, I can tell you that it's absolutley beautiful. You can look for shells, and you can buy souvenirs for your friends.

Who will take care of us? I know a woman who could take care of us. It's miss Cooper. She knows a lot about Baltic Sea because she lives in Rewal, and she goes to the beach when it's hot and warm. She has lot to tell about the Polish sea. She's very experienced, so you won't be lost.

The weather in Poland, in the Polish cities near the Baltic Sea changes a lot. Take you sunglasses, hat, and swimming suit when it's hot. Don't forget to take your suncream. When it's a bit cold, or raining, take your sweater, raincoat, and trainers. Take some T-shirts, and shirts. You need to take lots of clothes.

If you have more questions, just ask me. Can't wait to see you and your friends. I can't wait to meet them.

