Odpowiedź :
1) Sue felt much better after she had told her mother about her problem. (najpierw jej powiedziała, potem się poczuła lepiej)
2) Mark hurt his leg badly while he was playing last week. - podczas dłuższej czynności (grania w koszykówkę) coś się wydarzyło.
3) I had never met a famous person before, so I didn't know what to say.
4) Were you watching “You Can Dance” when I called you last night?
5) Mike broke his arm while he was skiing in the Tatra.
6) What were you doing when I called? You did not answer the phone.
7) When I got to school this morning, I realised that I hadn't taken my English essay. (zdałem sobie sprawę, że wcześniej nie wziąłem z domu eseju)
8) She was playing tennis yesterday when she hurt her elbow. (mimo że jest "yesterday", to dłuższa czynność jest przerwana przez krótszą, stąd najpierw PContinuous a potem PSimple)
9) He didn't pass the test last week because he had done very little revision before that.
10) We had a big problem finding a room at the hotel because we hadn't make any reservations.