witam witam
pomoże ktos z tymi zadaniami z gory dzieki

Zadanie 1
1 - was surfing, attacked
2 - was dancing, met
3 - was having, saw
4 - saw, were swimming
5 - arrived, was having
6 - was playing, broke
7 - was waiting, arrived
8 - got back, was cooking
Zadanie 2
1 - did you do
2 - went
3 - Did
4 - enjoyed
5 - met
6 - was talking
7 - asked
8 - lives
9 - does he know
10 - go
11 - are
12 - are going
Zadanie 3
1 - She saw the shark while she was swimming.
2 - What were you doing last night at 8:00pm?
3 - I was reading a book when my mother got back.
4 - He didn't like the film very much.
5 - What did he saw while he was swimming.
6 - You can turn off the TV, I am not watching it.
7 - I was talking to Stephen when the phone rang.
8 - I went to the cinema last night, but I didn't like the film.