
Wpisz w każdą lukę (1-6) brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Wykorzystaj wyrazy podane w nawiasie, ale nie zmieniaj ich formy.
A. X: Good afternoon. I __________ (like) return this wireless charger, please.
Y: Oh dear. What's the problem?
X: It _________ (work). I don't know why.
Y: OK. Wouldyou like to replace it?
X: No, thank you. I would rather ___________ (back), please.
B. X: I'm doing a survey about solar panels. ____________ (ask) a few questions?
Y: Yes, of course.
X: Have you installed solar panels?
Y: What ___________ (mean)?
X: I mean, do you have solar panels on the roof of your house?
Y: No, ______ (afraid)