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It was great fun having an identical twin sister at school. We used to dress in the same way, which 1_________________ our teachers feel cross because they would mix us up and we rarely bothered to correct them. On the other 2_________________, we were never that harmonious at home. As very independent girls, we used to argue at least once a day and we even had fights with 3_________________ other.
We exhibited the worst behaviour on our birthday and at Christmas. Most people either bought us identical presents or one to share between us and it used to infuriate us. Once we even told our aunt that we would 4_________________ have received no present than the same one. It took us a long time to understand that we shouldn’t have behaved like that. We all laugh at it now but then we were dead serious about that problem.
A couple of years ago a dear friend of 1_________________ won the lottery. As it happened, we had bought our lottery tickets together but I wasn’t as lucky as Kate. As soon as I found out that she had hit the jackpot, I rang Kate to congratulate her 2_________________ winning quite a large amount of money.
At first, she didn’t want anybody to know about it and she insisted on me accompanying her to pick up the cheque. When we arrived, there were loads of reporters and she agreed to 3_________________ her photo taken, which later appeared in all the tabloids. Since then, she has received hundreds of begging letters which really get her down. Her life is a bit easier now but I know she still 4_________________ she had kept her privacy.
I can’t imagine a summer holiday without spending at least a couple of weeks camping in North Wales. Every single year I look 1_________________ to escaping problems at work and other everyday preoccupations.
I always stay on a small campsite 2_________________ is run by a family of farmers. The charm of this place is not that it provides all kinds of tourist attractions. It doesn’t. On the contrary, the local way of life is authentically simple and relaxing. As soon as you arrive, you feel as 3_________________ you’re far away from the madding crowd and you know you would like to stay there forever.
The campsite is set in a beautiful rural setting. It has its 4_________________ fishing lake and easy access to the woods. The owners are extremely friendly and they always give newcomers a very warm welcome.