
zad 3 str 50 dopasuj wyrazy wyroznione w tekscie do ich definicji.
ulóż zdanie z użyciem kazdego z nich.
ulóz z kazdym wyrazem po jednym zdaniu w zeszycie.

1.a person who likes watching TV and who doesn't have a person an active life.
2.sea water.
4.a mental exercise that helps to avoid stress.

Zad 3 Str 50 Dopasuj Wyrazy Wyroznione W Tekscie Do Ich Definicjiulóż Zdanie Z Użyciem Kazdego Z Nichulóz Z Kazdym Wyrazem Po Jednym Zdaniu W Zeszycie1a Person class=

Odpowiedź :



1. Couch potato

I'm a couch potato and I love to binge-watch different series.

2. Salt water

Salt water is very unhealthy and has a terrifying taste.

3. Back pain

I used to feel back pain when I was working in a shopping centre, but now It's getting better.

4. Meditation

Meditation is my force which protect me against stress.