
Planujesz wspólny wyjazd z kolegą na weekend, przygotuj dialog, porozmawiajcie o :
- cel podróży
-środek transportu
-miejsce zakwaterowania
- zakup biletów, rezerwacje
pls na jutro dsm naj

Odpowiedź :

- Hi Tom
- Hello.
- Where would you like to go for the weekend?
- I was thinking of going to the seaside. Maybe Gdańsk.
- Awesome idea! I've always wanted to go there. We can go by train.
- okey
- Have you looked for any hotels?
- Yes. I found two hotels. One is downtown. It even has gyms and a spa.
- It seems perfect! Does he have any disadvantages?
- Unfortunately yes. It is quite expensive, as much as PLN 200 per night.
- It's expensive. And the other hotel?
- It's a little further from the center. There is no gym or spa. But it is much cheaper because only PLN 80 per night.
- Well, maybe we'll choose him.
- Today I will call you and ask for rooms for us.
- I'm cool to look at the attractions in Gdańsk.

nie wiem czy tyle wystarczy ale mam nadzieje że chociaż trochę pomogłam ;)