
Zadanie 2 strona 58 klasa 8 podręcznik
Usłyszysz wywiad z początkującą aktorką. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu wybierz właściwą odpowiedź z podanych w zadaniach 1-6. Odpowiedzi zapisz w zeszycie.
1.How is Suzy feeling at the moment?
a) She is worried that in may be too hard.
b) She is excited about starting work.
c) She is surprised that she got the part.
2.Suzy won't be swimming much in the film because
a) She can't swim.
b) She hasn't got a good style.
c) Her character doesn't swim much.
3.What sort of film has she been in before?
a) a comedy
b) a historical film
c) an educational film
4.Why didn't Suzy go to drama school?
a) She got the part in the film.
b) She wasn't accepted by a drama school.
c) She was advised to do it later.
5.How does Suzy Think she'll change because of the film?
a) She'll become more confident.
b) She'll be a better actrees.
c) She'll learn more about jobs in film-making
6.When this filming ends, Suzy
a) will start another film.
b) would like to do some travelling.
c) is going to drama school.
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