
Kupiłeś nowego laptopa, ale nie działa poprawnie.
Napisz e-mail do kolegi, w którym:
- napiszesz, dlaczego właśnie zwracasz się do niego z taką prośbą,
- przedstawisz swój problem ze sprzętem,
- poprosisz kolegę o pomoc.

Błagam potrzebuje na jutro ale nie jakiś ściągnięty z neta proszę​

Odpowiedź :


Hi Kuba, I bought a new laptop and it doesn't work, I don't know what's wrong with him. I am writing to you with this problem because you deal with electronics and I think that you can help me, please, I spent a lot on this laptop so I feel sorry for the money, when you have time tomorrow at 5 pm, come by and I'll be home.

Hi Mike!
My laptop is not working. I know that you are passionate about computers so i thought that maybe you can help me. Today i tried to login into my online account, but my wi-fi stopped working. I have no idea what can i do. I would be very grateful if you could come see me tomorrow and fix it.