
Put the letters in the correct order to make words from units 5–8. The first and the last letter are in the correct place. Translate the words into Polish.
Example: P TOES R POSTER plakat
1 Feelings .................... J LAUOE S ....................
2 Food .................... B TTIE R ....................
3 Appearance .................... S IHRGAT T ....................
4 The Media .................... A EVRD T ....................
5 The Environment .................... V LAEL Y ....................
6 Health .................... D SASIE E ....................
7 Feelings .................... A EHMSA D ....................
8 Character .................... D SIEVCI E ....................
9 Appearance .................... H GIEH T ....................
10 Feelings .................... S PHMAYT Y ....................​

Odpowiedź :

1 Feelings jealous (zazdrosny)

2 Food bitter (gorzki)

3 Appearance straight (prosty)

4 The Media advert (reklama)

5 The Environment valley (dolina)

6 Health disease (choroba)

7 Feelings ashamed (zawstydzony)

8 Character decisive (zdecydowany / stanowczy)

9 Appearance height (wzrost / wysokość)

10 Feelings sympathy (współczucie)

On Studier: Inne Pytanie