
czy pomoze ktos mi zrobic Emeil z wycieczki ,gór sietokrzyskich .PO angielsku

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Hi Jane!

It has been a long time since I texted you. That's because I am on a school trip in Świętokrzyskie mountains. Two days ago I climbed Łysica. It's the highest peak in this mountain range. It's not very high beacuse only 595 m above the sea level but the views were amazing! I also visited Świętokrzyski National park. This place is beautiful! I saw many unusual protected plants and took photos of some of them. Yesterday I went to medieval settlement in Huta Szklana. There were many wooden cottages and people showing us medieval professions like herbalism or pottery. Next place I went to in Huta Szklana was fair with traditional products like natural juices and honey. I can't wait fot the next days of our trip because it's very interesting place.

Write back as soon as possible. Bye!


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